Where I am at with gaming.

3 min readApr 12, 2021

It’s hard to talk about games without understanding where the writer is coming from. This will be my attempt to tell you a little about myself and what games I have played, enjoyed, and didn’t enjoy so much. I might write more entries like this one later to give updates on what games I am playing.

What I have been playing recently. . .

I am mostly playing a lot of Destiny 2, probably too much, but that is a different story. Besides that, I have been playing Valheim, Risk of Rain 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Division 2, and Horizon Zero Dawn. I usually bounce back of forth between playing multiplayer games with friends, a large open-world game, and a smaller indie title. I am currently missing the smaller indie game but I think I am going to try out Inside.

I have a growing group of friends that play Destiny 2 so even though that game can be repetitive sometimes I am still enjoying it. The best part of Destiny 2 by far is raiding. There just aren’t any other games out there that have the same kind of group encounters. I really enjoy survival games as well so I was super excited when some friends wanted to check out Valheim. It wasn’t the best time for me to get into a game like that but it is still tons of fun. I just didn’t have the time to log on a keep up with everyone when we first started playing. I had some more time recently so I have been exploring the building system which feels surprisingly nice for a survival game. Besides that, a friend recently rediscovered Risk of Rain 2. It’s not the most fun game in the world but it’s a great game for just shooting the shit while shooting crazy hoards of enemies.

It’s always nice to have a large open world to log into when you don’t know what else to play and you just want to do some solo exploring. Right now that game is Red Dead Redemption 2 for me. I am not sure I am loving the game as much as I thought I would be based on the reviews but it’s been fun. The world is incredible and I honestly love just wandering around hunting for perfect animals then following the quests. Maybe it’s just that I play it a bit infrequently and I am still early in the game but the story feels a bit disjointed. I imagine it will be better towards the end of the story.

What I have played. . .

I will try my best to keep this part from deforming into a list of video games I have played. Some of the first games I remember enjoying were a lot of Nintendo platformers like the Donkey Kong County series and Banjo-Kazooie. Of course, I also loved Pokémon and The Legend of Zelda series. I do kind of miss the platformer genre. Yooka-Laylee is on my list of games I would like to eventually play.

Like a lot of people, Call of Duty and the Halo series were my gateway drug into the shooter genre. I still have fond memories of yelling at my friends over coms about killstreaks in Modern Warfare.

Another formative moment in my gaming journey was when I discovered the battle royale mod in Arma 3. I found the extra levels it added to the typical PVP shooter very interesting and engaging. This quickly leads me to discover DayZ and other survival games. I have tried many survival and battle royale games but I still haven’t found one that has everything I am looking for. Rust was really fun but constantly losing my stuff to raiders while my friends and I were offline got tiring. I have probably revisited Ark Survival Evolved countless times. One of my friends from college loves the game and we would revisit it every time they came out with a new map. We only played on a private server. I could not imagine playing that game on a public server.

I have kind of feel off of playing battle royales but there was a time when I had a regular group that I played Player Unknowns Battlegrounds and Ring of Elysium. I still can’t believe more battle royale games haven’t used the helicopter mechanic for the ending of the rounds.

These are of course not all of the games I have played but I wanted to start with writing a bit about my journey as a gamer.

Thanks for reading,


